Donate to Roosevelt School District

kids in school

Your donation directly helps RSD students

Donations from parents, community members and organizations help us provide opportunities for thousands of students in the South Mountain area. Whether through general donations, contributions for fundraisers or making a tax credit donation, your dollars support student and school needs and extracurricular activities.

What your donation funds

General and tax credit donations are used according to the donor’s intended purpose: to meet the needs of students and schools. Tax credit donations go directly toward designated schools for extracurricular activities, including: 

  • Athletics

  • Band

  • Educational Field Trips

  • Fine Arts and Music Programs

  • Student Council

Tax Credit donations

Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a tax credit of up to $400 for married filing jointly and $200 for single filers if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. This tax credit is available only to individuals in Arizona and is non-refundable. You do not need to have a student enrolled in school to contribute. Donations must be received by April 15 to be applied to the previous tax year. You can make a general donation if you don’t qualify for tax credit but would still like to donate.

How to Donate

You can click the button above to make general and tax credit donations online for your convenience. The portal can also be used to pay student fees. If you would prefer to write a check, please download and complete this form and mail it to:

Roosevelt School District
Attn: Business Services
6000 S. 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85042

Roosevelt Staff Payroll Deductions

Current Roosevelt employees can take a payroll deduction as a direct tax credit donation. The amount will be taken out over four pay periods during November and December.