Governing Board Meetings
Disclosure Statement Concerning the Posting of All Roosevelt School District No. 66 Governing Board Meetings
Under ARS ยง38-431.02, the Governing Board of Roosevelt School District No. 66 hereby states that all notices of the meetings of the Governing Board and any of its subcommittees will be posted at the following location, which is open to the public between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., except legal holidays. Such notices will indicate the meeting's date, time, and place.
Posting of Meetings
The Notice of the Meeting will be posted on the bulletin board outside the main entrance to the district office and on the district's website.
The board meeting agenda is posted on BoardDocs and available at the district office receptionist's desk upon request.
Public Participation
If you wish to participate in an upcoming meeting during the public participation section, please complete the yellow form at the rear of the boardroom table and submit it to the Senior Executive Assistant before the board meeting begins.
The Senior Executive Assistant will set a timer and read as much of the statement as possible during the time limit. The President of the Governing Board can limit discussion on any single agenda item.
Live Stream
Join the Roosevelt School District Board Meeting using Zoom technology. This technology lets you view the board meeting on your computer and other mobile devices.
After clicking the link below, you may need to install the Zoom plugin or app. Once installed, this step won't be necessary for future meetings.
Meeting ID: 741 989 868
For Audio, Call: +1 (646) 568 7788 or +1 (415) 762 9988