Governance Standards

Board's Code of Conduct

As a member of the Board, I will strive to be an advocate for students and to improve student outcomes by demonstrating appropriate behavior and conduct at all times. To that end:

  1. I will abide by the Board’s Code of Ethics.

  2. I will have integrity and support the full development of all children and the community's welfare.

  3. I will always remember that the foremost concern of the Board is to improve outcomes for all students enrolled in RSD.

  4. I will attend at least 80% of scheduled board meetings, including study sessions and special meetings on which I serve.
    When I am unable to join, I will communicate proactively.

  5. I will come to each Board meeting informed about the issues under consideration.

  6. I will encourage the individual expression of opinion and communicate with my colleagues professionally and respectfully.

  7. I will assume the best about the motives and intentions of my fellow Board members and the RSD community.

  8. I will educate the community about the issues facing our students and inform the community of all Board actions and policy decisions.

  9. I will be transparent in my actions as a Board member.

  10. I will respect the confidentiality of privileged information.

  11. I will make no individual decisions or commitments that might compromise the Board or administration.

  12. I will refrain from using my position on the Board for personal or partisan gain and avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety.

Board Member Misconduct Consequences

  1. Private meeting with the offending member, Board President and Vice President;

  2. Multiple infractions will be followed up with an email to the offending member and/or full Board;

  3. Possible removal by the Board President from any leadership or committee positions;

  4. Public reprimand/censure as a means of separating the Board’s focus and intent from those of the offending member.

Board Self- Evaluation

The Board may meet quarterly to monitor progress on the goals outlined in the District's Student Outcomes-Focused Governance Manual.

Unless the Board decides otherwise, the Board shall conduct a supplemental self-evaluation quarterly to evaluate its performance in the following areas:

  1. Financial management;

  2. Review and/or development of policies;

  3. Accomplishments and areas of strength; and

  4. Areas of desired improvement.

The Board President and Superintendent will collaborate to create a supplemental self-evaluation instrument. The instrument will be presented to the Board for its feedback and approval.

The Board may invite the Superintendent and others who regularly work with the Board to participate in all or a portion of the Board's self-evaluation process.

Board and Superintendent Norms

The Board and Superintendent will operate with a shared commitment to serving the best interests of Roosevelt’s students and strive to reflect these eight characteristics of effective school boards.